SPARCO was born in 1977, it’s the most recognized brand in Motorsport, the innovation and the excellence achieved allow to be partners of the most exclusive car manufacturers – such as Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Maserati, Ford, Lotus, etc – providing aesthetic and structural parts and carbon sports seats for their flagship supercars. To make the experience of the ‘simulation’ and gaming ever closer to reality is born SPARCO Gaming. The collection aimed not only at the ‘casual’ gamer, but also for the experienced user seeking high performance, such as eSports athletes.
SPARCO 成立於 1977 年, 現時已成為全球賽車及汽車用品配件第一品牌。其多元化的車用配件及專有技術,獲得與多間超跑汽車品牌合作,制作超跑零件及配備,如林寶堅尼,法拉利,瑪莎拉蒂等等。為了將真實賽車的體驗融入生活,於是成立SPARCO Gaming, 不只是為了滿足普通遊戲者,品牌更希望將最優質的產品表現提供予各電競選手,協助他們在電競比賽當中更容易獲勝。